UPETS® Splinting System shows promise as the safer way to cast  

Prices vary depending on the splint selected.

Service fee’s

Evaluation $150

Delivery and one follow up $100

Adjustment fee’s dependent on time and materials.

In veterinary medicine, casts are notorious for causing complications. The well-known Meeson et al. (2011) research saw 55% of animals face complications that required treatment. Now, the UPETS splint shows promise as a low-risk alternative to traditional treatment method.

The study in brief

  • Only 13% of (UPETS) treated dogs developed a complication that required treatment

  • There were no severe complications

  • The pilot study was conducted by AniCura, a European veterinary clinic chain

  • Products provided by Dassiet

  • A small group of dogs were treated with the UPETS Splinting System

  • The study followed the dogs for an average of 2.5 weeks

  • All dogs had surgery before splint applicationds.