Is your pet injured? Is your pet in need of a custom mobility solution? emBracing Paws is a veterinary orthotic and prosthetic company servicing Los Angeles and surrounding counties.

Our Services

Helping pets get moving again

Custom Orthotic Solution

Providing an alternative route of treatment for many conditions. Custom veterinary orthotics can be and alternative to surgery, be used as part of a physical therapy program, and when surgery is not indicated.

Custom Prosthetic Solution

Providing mobility solutions for pets with limb loss. Custom alternatives to facilitate your pets gait. The old saying that a 3-legged dog does fine has been disproven through advanced research at Colorado State University among other research facilities. 4-legged animals do better and suffer less compensatory problems than their 3-legged friends.

U Pets Splinting

Cost effective alternative to provide support and immobilization. Splinting can replace casting when wound care and access to the limb is needed. Splinting provides immobilization pre or post operatively. Low cost customizable material to provide anatomical fitting. Non toxic to your pet.