Carpus Orthosis for Dogs
Service Fee’s
Evaluation $150
Delivery and one follow up $100
Adjustment fee’s dependent on time and materials
The carpus is composed of 3 joints, 7 carpal bones, 2 antebrachial bones (radius and ulna), and 4 or 5 metacarpal bones. There are multiple ligaments holding this structure together. Injuries can occur at any of the 3 joints (antebrachiocarpal, middle carpal, or carpometacarpal); additionally any of these bones can be displaced (luxated) or fractured.
Getting into the water is not only fun for your pet, it can be the most important thing ever! Our material selections have been specifically focused on allowing your pet to enjoy complete freedom of activities, like swimming
Mobility Experts
You and your pet are supported by a team of mobility specialists highly trained and educated in mechanical sciences and veterinary care
Durable/long Lasting Shell
The durable shell is engineered to provide long lasting stability and support for your pet for the demands of today and the activities of tomorrow